Breastfeeding Support
Breastfeeding Support
Each of our locations have earned the Gold Level Breastfeeding Employee Support Award!
Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms
- Nurse as soon as possible after birth.
- Establish the proper latch on.
- Avoid artificial nipples.
- Do not restrict the length or frequency of breastfeeding.
- Sleep when your baby sleeps!
- Wear your baby! Carry your baby in a sling for easy nursing.
- Have a glass of water every time you sit down to nurse - this will help make sure you're drinking enough fluids.
- Avoid bras and tight-fitting clothing in the first few weeks after birth to allow sore nipples to heal.
- Use pillows to support you and your baby while breastfeeding.
- If you experience pain during breastfeeding, seek help from your doctor or a Lactation Consultant.
Breastfeeding Longer = More!
More health benefits for baby:
- More antibodies to work against colds, diarrhea, ear infections, RSV
- More long-lasting effects to prevent chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity, and provides protection against cancer
More health benefits for mom:
- Reduces risk of breast and ovarian cancer
- Prevents osteoporosis and hip fractures as you get older
Benefits to Breastfed Babies
Developmental Benefits
- Develops higher IQs
- Improves brain and nervous system development
Emotional Benefits
- Improves emotional development
- Promotes special warm bonding and emotional relationship with mom
Health Benefits
- Protects against stomach upsets, ear infections, respiratory illnesses, allergies, asthma, meningitis, childhood lymphoma, Crohn's Diseases and ulcerative colitis
- Reduces risk of childhood diabetes and SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
- Increases bone density
- Reduces risk of heart disease later in life
Nutritional Benefits
- Most complete and optimal mix of nutrients and antibodies
- Keeps pace with infant's growth and changing nutritional needs
Benefits to Breastfeeding Mothers
Cost Benefits
- Breastmilk is free - reducing or eliminating the cost of formula
- Breastfed babies are sick less - reducing healthcare costs to family and requiring less time off from work
Emotional Benefits
- Promotes special emotional relationship and bonding with baby
Health Benefits
- Protects against osteoporosis and hip fractures later in life
- Reduces risk of breast, ovarian and endometrial cancers and anemia
- Helps return mom's body to its pre-pregnancy state faster
Learning How to Breastfeed Takes Time and Patience
- Let your doctor and nurses know that you ONLY want to breastfeed your baby and ask for help getting started.
- Newborn babies will breastfeed about every 1 1/2 - 3 hours around the clock.
- Feeding both breast milk and formula in the first month can decrease your ability to make enough milk.
- You may feel pain if your baby is not positioned properly or not latched on correctly. If you are having pain contact your breastfeeding educator in your area for help.
- If you are planning to go back to work and you are breastfeeding you will need to make a plan, including learning to use a pump or having a daycare close by. Start pumping a week before returning to work so you have a good supply.
Dads Play an Important Role
You may feel left out if your spouse or partner is breastfeeding. However, there are many things you can do to help care for your baby and your partner.
- Help with housework and cooking.
- Limit the number of visitors and how long they are there so mom can rest.
- Bathing, dressing and changing diapers can help you bond with your baby while allowing mom to get some additional rest.
- Babies love skin-to-skin with daddies too!
- Comfort and encourage mom as she learns to breastfeed.
- Remember that feeding the baby anything other than breast milk in the first weeks interferes with mom's ability to produce enough milk.
Grandparents Play an Important Role
Each new grandchild is precious and parents can value your experience when it comes to caring for the new bundle of joy. Here is how you can help:
- Help with housework and cooking to give mom time to get to know her baby.
- Remember mom needs plenty of rest and fluids.
- Bathing, dressing and changing diapers can help you bond with your baby while allowing mom to get some additional rest.
- Remember that feeding the baby anything other than breast milk in the first weeks interferes with mom's ability to produce enough milk.
- Let mom know how proud you are of the choice she is making to give her baby the very best start they can have.
- Breastfeeding is good for mom too. Its helps shrink the uterus to pre-pregnancy size and reduces her rick for breast and ovarian cancer.